Sunday, May 13, 2012

Hole in my leg. OUCH.

                       This is the DANGEROUS rock.                             This is my cut.
Well, I was carrying Sonny (my baby brother) back to the car once we had drove at least two hours to Grandmas house to celebrate Mother's day and we were picking up Grandma Jeanine so we could bring her to our other Grandmas house. I was wearing my heelies carrying Sonny across the gravel driveway but once I slipped its sort of amazing cause uh...I had to think for at least a quarter of a second to think that I should have Sonny come on to me cause he was only a baby. So I feel and cut myself and got a hole on my knee from the rock in the picture. Once mom came to see what was wrong when I yelled she said she saw my bone cause it wasn't quite bleeding yet. So thats when we ran into Grandmas house to get it washed up. They said I had to get stitches and i said i hate stitches. First we went to see if my Grandpa who is a doctor could stitch it up for me. Once the numbing was done in his office he said he wasn't able to stitch up my leg cause he needed the right kind of tools to stitch up the inside part. So we went over to the hospital close by and I waited in the waiting room for a bit. There they said they weren't able to stitch it up either cause they were a hospital mostly for adults and teens. So that's when we had to spent another 2 HOURS driving back to AZ. 

Once we got to the children's hospital they were happy my Grandpa had numbed it for them so they could stitch it up so easy. I didn't even know they were stitching it up or doing a shot cause I didn't feel it! Once I found out I didn't have to sleep at the hospital for surgery we went home and I was finally able to eat! I chose a yummy strawberry and mango smoothie. ANd that was pretty much the end of my bad day (but at least I was able to sleep in mom and dads room)


  1. It was a VERY LONG and HUNGRY day for you! I felt so sad that all of this happened. But I was so glad I could be with you at the hospital. I am leaving in a little while to come and see you. YEAH. You are a brave, grown-up girl. I love you so-o-o-o much!

  2. Elyott,
    That looks like a nasty wound, shame on that rock for hurting you! Did you throw it into the woods? or smash into tiny pieces with a hammer? I hope so.
    I hope your knee heals quickly. I love you.
    Aunty Janae

  3. I thought you were such an awesome and brave girl. It was a very long day for you (especially without any food). I missed having you with me for Mothers' Day, but I'm glad you were able to see the specialist doctor. I love you so-o-o-o much. I am excited to be at your house tonight!
    From Grandma
